
Le Corbusier,  Oevre Complete, 1938-1944

︎︎︎believer of the power of architecture and importance of preferring competitions as a method of producing projects, the collaboration of different disciplines and contribution of local users to design a better world

︎︎︎a supporter of small interventions

︎︎︎interested in being a participant or a coordinator in workshops to share the ideas about physical environment

︎︎︎supporter of lighting to be in the
first stage of design process

︎︎︎grateful for the darkness as much as for the light

︎︎︎apart from architecture, can’t imagine a world without sunsets, dancing and cats


dancing, reading, writing, photography, structural experiments, painting, festivals, collages, origami, crocheting, lindy hop, rollerskating


Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Sketch Up, Rhino, AutoCAD, Procreate, Revit, Dialux, Relux, E-Save App, Casambi App


︎︎︎English C1
︎︎︎German B1


︎︎︎Hochschule Wismar / Architectural Lighting Design Master
Wismar, Germany/ 2021 - 2023

︎︎︎Kadir Has University, Department of Architecture
Cibali, İstanbul / 2013 - 2017

︎︎︎ TED Kayseri College High School
Kocasinan, Kayseri / 2009-2013


︎︎︎Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung, Lighting Designer
Berlin, Germany / 2023 - , kardorff.de

︎︎︎Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung, Internship
Berlin, Germany / 2022 - 2023 , kardorff.de

︎︎︎Chamber of Architects, Event Coordinator
İstanbul, Turkey / 2019-2021, mimarist.org, archfilmfest.org

Chamber of Architects, Competition Committee
İstanbul, Turkey / 2017- 2021, yarismo.org

︎︎︎İstanbul Design Biennial, Production Assistant
İstanbul, Turkey / 2018, radioee.net/es/event/argo/

︎︎︎Urban Archaeology Workshop, Secretary
İstanbul, Turkey / 2018, kentselarkeoloji.org

︎︎︎Chamber of Architects, Workshop Assisting
İstanbul, Turkey / 2017-2020, mimarist.org

Workshop / Symposium

︎︎︎ Cultural Radiance Workshop, Participant
Berlin, Germany / 2025, culturalradiance.com

︎︎︎ Balkan Light Symposium, Presenter
Istanbul, Turkey / 2024, balkanlight2024.com

︎︎︎ Going Dark Workshop, Participant 
Tuscany, Italy / 2024, lightcollective.net

︎︎︎ Light & Building, LiTG, Presenter
Frankfurt, Germany / 2024, litg.de