Installation in St. Georgen
Wismar, 2021
Group Project
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Rohde
The first lights of the history were remembered and represented with the light installation in St. Georgen Church in Wismar for 20th anniversary of Hochschule Wismar Architectural Master Program and part of the “Communicating Light” conference taking place at the same time. The light of the sun, moon and fire were represented in the place by us as students of the ALD Program.
“The beauty of light owes its existence to darkness.”
Luminaires were located outside of the church illuminating the interior with light passing through the gothic windows for the representation of the moon.
Reflectors and filters were used to create a reflection and projection in the church reminding the solar eclipse.
To represent the way people gather around the very first light invention which is candle, candles with filters were located in a spiral shape in the center of the church.